Hi there again, it's been a long time i've didn't post any of my custom work since last year (month!). It's because due to very busy and tight schedule for the month of december 2009 until end of january 2010. I've been assigned by my HWC Malaysia to custom and complete 100 nos of 2010 club car and 50 nos of DD (dairy delivery) dinner car for our 1st HWCM annual dinner event which will be held on 31st january 2010.And i hope to finish them in time.
I will revealed some of this club car pictures the following month after the event.
Here's another custom work shown in WIP which already completed before my custom club car started. The full complete custom GTR will be shown in part 2 later.
After previous custom nissan GTR part 1 completed, this time my custom GTR needs to have some cutting at the rear spoiler. But i'm having some difficulties here because as i do not have the dremel cutting tools. After giving some thoughts , i've decided to cut it anyway using hand saw manually which i've been dicussed and advised by elgee from G- Garage.
There is no sawing or cutting angle for me to execute as the spoiler attached to GTR casting are very close.Finally i've managed to cut it by using plyer to clam the casting with the rear side facing upward. From the top of the casting, i've sawing the spoiler very consistently and slowly, This took me about 15 minutes to cut it off with every 5 minutes stop interval just to check the cutting line are in alignment. My advise, do it patiently or else you will end up hurting your fingers if the hand saw jump out of the cutting line.

After the cutting process complete, some hard sanding applied here to smoothen the cutting area. The other works included are drilling some holes for rear spoiler and the top for fixing antenna .

After the sanding, some primer coats applied here.As usual after the primer coats drys, another round sanding applies to smoothen the coating surface. Next, the white coat of spray paints.

Next, some cutting of masking proceed. Some small slice of cutting and masking applied one by one.
This takes me about half and hour to mask all the side of the casting.

Next, the second coating of red colour spraying applies.
All the area exposed are meant to be in red colour as in my custom GTR.

As the red colours healed and dries, the masking area removed, you can see the actual lining and stripe that i wanted in this way.

The 2nd coating complete here as all the masking have being removed.

more masking work again.

Another black colour spray coat all over,

After the black colour coating healed, the masking has been removed. And what we can see is 2 tone red and black stripe effect.

Now to the aerial or antenna. I chose this thin and long plastic tag which we normally see on collar of the shirt or t shirt which are tagged along with price list on retail shopping malls.

next, cut out the middle section.

custom antenna which has been cut out.

Now, the interior has been touch up as the seat bucket are painted red colour. The wheels are swapped from hotwheel ferrari co-mold tyres and the rear custom GT wing and antenna are all in the order to be fixed for the final touch.
Here's the complete WIP custom, will post the full custom pictures later.