Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hotwheel Ferrari 288 GTO Simple Modding

Bought this basic yellow GTO from thefuhrer, a fellow member of HWCM on last week sales meeting, i've upgrade this casting with some simple touch up , and added chrome rubber wheels.

the original GTO casting.........


  1. I think the wheels will be better if they are white, just a suggestion I hope you don't mind....(hehehehe) Still a good job....

  2. thanks for the suggestion mervin!
    agreed with you, the white colour wheels should matched the GTO. I think that's the missing point of these yellow ferrari.

  3. now that's great detailing Daniel!

    about the wheels, it looks good (like a HWS Whips version)
    making them white would look good if the wheels aren't in a negative offset, just my opinion.

    cheers! :-)

  4. Simple yet great custom GTO, Danielh! Liked the added touch of detailing.
    This reminds me of the same yellow HW GTO base car, I custom for a wonderful friend :-)made as a racer, some months back.

  5. thanks JDMikes! yes,agreed with you.
    and thanks again for the comments!

  6. thanks Erwin! great! you also did the custom GTO, nice to hear that!
