I remember seeing this Hotwheel Custom Bone Shaker posted by some expert japanese hw customizer posted on the internet few months ago but it didn't caught my eyes on the first sight. But then, after joining some local HWCM gathering, i manage to look close enough to see the real thing and feel it on my own palm and i must admit that this piece of casting are awesome and must not be miss in my collection.
While hunting some loose hw's on last sunday flea market at Amcorp Mall, i saw this bone shaker lying beneath some loose hotwheel's car in the plastic tray, looking lifeless and in a very beat down state....
I managed to buy it after bargained it with the trader at a very low price.
Later, i decided to give this bone shaker a new lease of life and start customize it.
This is the original condition, some parts of the body paint were chip off. Some gold colour on the both sides of the side muffler also faded off.

first step, i used micro screw driver to drilled and create the muffler opening. The process takes some times because it applied to both sides of the car. And had to be consistent and careful.

The body now sprayed with a coat of primer. And the wheel has replaced with another set of bright chrome rims with rubber tyres.

Here's the simple custom bone shaker make over.
Now with brand new look fitted with rubber tyres.